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The HiLo is a pro-bono school project which was built at Phnom Penh, Cambodia. I participated as a sustainability consultant in the project. The climate of Phnom Penh was hot and humid all year, so we needed to provide natural ventilation while blocking the strong solar heat during the hot season.


In this project, many parts of the design were decided by sustainability-driven reasons. First of all, due to the adjacent building blocking the natural wind blowing from the north, we subdivided massing into two and gave them a height difference in order to induce the buoyancy-driven ventilation. Also, the design included sun-screens that can block solar heat.


In the design process, a  variety of environmental simulations were done. Here, I used CFD simulation to analyze the wind and the natural ventilation around the massing, and helped designers to decide the ideal building plan and positions for the windows. The geometry and the dimensions of the design elements were tested and analyzed through the DIVA simulation. 

The building was completed in 2019.


This project was developed with financial support from Happy I.




Jongbang Park

Suk Lee

Soohyuck Choi

Tommy Kyungtae Nam


Deokoh Woo

© 2023 By Deok-Oh Woo

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